Shiraz University of Medical Sciences - SUMS
Code : 18379      Publish Date : Friday, August 7, 2015 Visit : 11640

Dress Code in Clinical Settings

Dress code in clinical settings

Dress Code- Doctor in Scarf



Dress Code in Clinical Settings


  • Students’ formal coats in clinical settings should be white, clean, tidy appearance, feeling comfortable, long, suitable for the season, buttoned and display  the SUMS logo
  • Female students should wear scarves covering the entire hair.
  • Students should wear appropriate socks and avoid appearing in the clinical settings without wearing socks.
  • Shoes should be comfortable, clean, and have a wide toe as well as mild and proper color.
  • Slippers are not allowed in clinical settings
  • Tight pants and white coats with improper colors should be avoided.
  • Avoid wearing T-shirts, and sports suits which display improper words and images.
  • Students are required to carry a valid photo ID in clinical settings all the time which includes the initial letter of their first and last name, title, school, and field.
  • Avoid pieces of jewelry including bracelets, necklaces, bangles, gold rings (this does not include wedding rings), as well as sharp or allergy-causing perfumes
  • Keep your nails short, clean and without nail polish. Due to the increased risk of infection and the possibility of hurting patients, long or artificial nails are forbidden
  • Male students should not have hair longer than normal length.





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