Shiraz University of Medical Sciences - SUMS
Code : 18382      Publish Date : Sunday, August 16, 2015 Visit : 35182

School of Pharmacy

School of Pharmacy


School of Pharmacy


SUMS School of Pharmacy



School of Pharmacy was established in 1989. This school was primarily established with five departments: Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Control, Pharmacognosy, and Pharmacology-Toxicology. In 2004, the Department of Clinical Pharmacy was added too. Then, the departments of Traditional Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology were added in 2008 and 2009.


School of Pharmacy has been receiving M.S. students in toxicology since 2006, Ph.D. students in Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, and Traditional Pharmacy since 2008 as well as Ph.D. students in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology since 2009. Currently, the faculty has 25 full-time academic staff. The following table represents the current departments of the School of Pharmacy:





Department of Medicinal Chemistry

Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Department of Pharmaceutics

Department of Pharmacognosy

Department of Pharmacology Toxicology

Department of Traditional Pharmacy

Department of Clinical Pharmacy

Department of Nanotechnology


In the following table you can find the list of programs offered by the School of Pharmacy:



List of Programs offered at SUMS School of Pharmacy
  Program Pharm.D. M.Sc. Ph.D. Specialty
1 Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)      
2 Toxicology      
3 Medicinal Chemistry      
4 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology      
5 Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology      
6 Pharmaceutics      
7 Pharmacognosy      
8 Traditional Pharmacy      
9 Clinical Pharmacy      
Contact Information:

Dean: Dr. Amir Azadi

Phone: (+98 71) 32 42 41 27 
Fax:      (+98 71) 32 42 41 26
Address: School of Pharmacy, Rokn Abad, Karafarin St., 7146864685


For more information please see the links below:

SUMS School of Pharmacy