Shiraz University of Medical Sciences - SUMS
Code : 18467      Publish Date : Saturday, March 18, 2017 Visit : 10636

Exam Rules and Regulations

SUMS’ Exam Rules and Regulations


SUMS’ Exam Rules and Regulations




The following rules and regulations govern all examinations of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) and have been approved by the International Education Council (IEC) of the University.


A: Personal Belongings

1. Any unauthorized materials, such as books, paper, documents, pictures and electronic devices with communication and/or storage capabilities such as cell phone, tablet PC, laptop, smart watch, portable audio/video/gaming devices, etc. are not to be brought into the examination hall.   
Note: At the discretion of the relevant faculty member, students may bring calculators into the examination hall, but only calculators approved by the University are permitted. Graphic calculators which are approved for use shall be reset, i.e., all memory should be cleared, prior to any examination.
2. Candidates should bring pens, pencils, erasers, and other writing instruments that may be needed for an exam and are NOT allowed to take or ask for them while the examination is in progress.

B: At the Start of the Examination

Candidates shall bring their Student ID Card to the examination venue.
At the start of an examination, candidates shall write their name, course, module, Student ID Number, examination title and sign and date the Attendance Slip provided.
Candidates shall arrive at the examination venue at least 30 minutes prior to the start of an examination.

C: During the Examination

1. No talking is permitted as the exam papers are distributed. Talking during the exam is considered cheating.
SUMS’ Definition of Cheating: Cheating is defined as fraud, deceit, or dishonesty in an academic examination, or using or attempting to use materials, or assisting others in using materials that are prohibited or inappropriate in the context of academic examination. Thus, as the University takes a serious view of cheating, the following premises are provided to elaborate the term more explicitly:
  • Copying or attempting to copy from others during an exam
  • Communicating answers with another person during an exam
  • Preprogramming a calculator (or any other device) to contain answers or other unauthorized information for exams
  • Using unauthorized materials, prepared answers, written notes, or concealed information during an exam
  • Taking an exam for another person or having someone take an exam for you
  • While the examination is in progress, any type of communication between candidates is strictly forbidden, and any candidate found to be giving or receiving irregular assistance will be required to withdraw from the examination. This act will be considered cheating; thus, the candidate will be formally reprimanded and referred to the Student Disciplinary Committee of the University.
  • A candidate who is suspected of cheating in examinations is liable to disciplinary action (See Booklet No. 7 on SUMS’ Student Diciplinary Regulations). All materials and/or devices which are found in violation of any examination rules and regulations will be confiscated.
2. Candidates may not leave the examination hall for any reasons, and this includes toilet breaks, drinking water, etc. Otherwise, the candidate will be barred from resuming the exam. This will also be regarded as the termination of the exam by the candidate.         
Note 1: Please note that in exceptional cases, a candidate may ask one of the invigilators to help him/her resolve the issue.  The final decision is with the head of the invigilators who is a faculty member.
 Note 2: If, for any reason, the candidate is given permission to leave the hall temporarily, he/she shall be accompanied by            an invigilator throughout his/her absence from the examination hall.  
 Note 3: The candidates are required to leave their belongings as exam papers, calculators, pens, etc. on their desks when             they temporarily, obeying Notes 1 and 2, leave the exam hall.
3. Silence shall be observed in the examination hall. The only permissible way of attracting the attention of the invigilator by a candidate is raising one’s hand for recognition.
4. Cell phones brought, if permitted, into the examination hall must be switched off at ALL times. If your cell phone is found to be switched on in the examination hall, it will be confiscated and retained for investigation of possible violation of regulations.
5. Each candidate shall sign the Seating List confirming presence at the examination. Thus, the candidates are not allowed to leave the examination hall prior to inscribing their signature on the aforementioned form.


D: At the End of the Examination

  • Candidates are NOT allowed to leave the examination hall during the examination and during the collection of the answer scripts. All candidates shall remain seated throughout this period for the invigilators to properly account for all answer scripts to be collected.
  • Candidates are to stay in the examination hall until the invigilator gives permission to leave. The candidates shall also observe silence before leaving the examination hall.
  • Once dismissed, students should leave the examination hall quickly and quietly.

E: Absence

If a student registers for a course but fails to take the examination, he/she will be deemed to have sat and failed the examination unless the concerned authority is satisfied that there is a good and sufficient reason for the absence from the examination. Only in some rare cases, an absence, whose proof is verified and approved by the International Education Council (IEC) of the University, can be considered as an excused one. 

An excused absence includes the following items:
  • A medical condition which existed and progressed before the exam in a way that it influenced the student’s function
  • Acute mental or physical emergency conditions leading to the hospitalization of the patient
  • Unexpected events such as car accidents and natural disasters
  • Childbirth occurring during the period beginning one week prior to the exam until 3 days following the exam
  •  Surgery operated prior to the exam
  •  Close bereavement
  •  Court order requiring court attendance
  •  Going on Haj pilgrimage
  •  Any kinds of justified issues occurring during the exam that might disrupt the exam

F: Illness

Absence at the exam session due to illness can be considered as excused only in the following cases. Otherwise, it will be regarded as unexcused and a zero grade will be recorded for the relevant course.
1. Students who claim to be sick (inpatient cases are exceptional) shall take part in the exam session, present the required Medical Certificate (MC) and complete the required form(s)*, approved by the course instructor and the International Education Council (IEC) of the University. The form(s) will be later sent to the Medical Council of the University for further considerations. 
*The form(s) can be collected from the exam invigila tor during the course of the exam.
2. If a student has been admitted to a hospital, he/she shall submit the Inpatient Admission Certificate, verified and approved by the hospital and the Medical Council, affiliated with SUMS. The certification should be submitted to the International Education Council (IEC) immediately. 
Note:  The submitted MC should cover the date(s) of the affected examination(s). Both the MC and the other approved form(s) shall be submitted simultaneously to the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for GSIA within two working days from the absence date. Submission will not be accepted if any of the requisite documents are missing. Due consideration cannot be expected from the IEC if the MC and the required forms are not received on time.
3. If an examinee falls ill during an examination, one should inform the Chief Invigilator at the examination hall. If he/she is too ill to continue with his/her examination, he/she may leave the examination hall to seek medical attention. The examinee’s unfinished answer script will still be marked and graded. Special considerations may be given at the sole discretion of the IEC only if the student submits a doctor's memorandum, which shall be verified and approved by the Medical Council of the University. 

G: Fees

In case of being placed in “debt status” as for deferred tuition fees or any other costs to the University, the students may be barred from the examinations or have the scores of any examination or a course withheld, which will consequently result in being banned from next semester’s course selection. Students are welcomed to consult the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for GSIA for assistance should they face any difficulty.


H: Supplementary Notes

  • All candidates should pay attention to the invigilators’ announcements.
  • The University has installed a comprehensive Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Surveillance System across the examination halls for the principal purposes of preventing the misconduct and promoting public safety. 
  • Candidates who are not properly attired will not be admitted to the examination hall. Please ensure that you always comply with the dress code of the University (see Booklets No. 2 & 3 on SUMS’ Dress Code).
  • Candidates should read the examination timetable carefully to ensure that they have been correctly entered for their examinations and know the time, date and location of the examinations they are required to take.
Notes: Misreading the examination timetable will   not be accepted as a satisfactory explanation for absence from an examination.
  • Students shall be punctual for examinations. No extra time will be considered for latecomers due to traffic jams, bad weather, oversleeping, etc. Students are responsible for planning their schedules to avoid such issues; extra traveling time should also be prognosticated to be punctual.
  • Photography is NOT allowed in the examination hall at ALL times.


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