Shiraz University of Medical Sciences - SUMS
Code : 18650      Publish Date : Sunday, February 2, 2020 Visit : 5123

Vision, Mission & Core Values

SUMS Vision, Mission & Core Values



Shiraz University of Medical Sciences aspires to be a national leader and an internationally recognized institute in developing medical education, research, and practice. To this end, it sets the bar for promoting human salubriousness by providing high-quality medical services to local, regional, and international communities while cultivating future expert healthcare contributors and influential leaders.



Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS), as a medical research/higher education institute and health care provider, sets its objectives in recruiting skilled personnel and educating future experts in a comprehensive and diverse range of medical fields. The fundamental aims that drive the SUMS community to accomplish its mission are to reduce national health service disparities, promote social health and life expectancy in Iran, and positively contribute to regional and local communities’ educational and economic development.

Consistent advancements in healthcare fields, rapid technological innovations, and the nation’s expectation of access to state-of-the-art technologies on the one hand, and a significant decrease in natural resources as well as an increase in high-risk factors such as poverty, urbanization, and chronic physical maladies and psychological disorders on the other, highlight the urgent need for health system reformation. Thus, complying with the university’s policy and in pursuit of local and global contributions to knowledge and healthcare, the mission of SUMS is to:

  • Make a significant, sustainable, and socially responsible contribution to Iran, the Middle East,  and the world so as to promote individual health, public well-being, and economic growth
  • Lay the foundation leading to continuous health development plans and the provision of high-quality health care services endorsing safety and cost-effectiveness
  • Advance humane and quality healthcare for all individuals
  • Expand inter-departmental collaboration to develop the holistic aspects of health
  • Apply advances in research and medicine to the betterment of the human condition both locally and globally
  • Reduce national health services disparities and social factors negatively affecting the well-being of the nation
  • Foster local culture to encourage individuals in using the offered advanced health care services
  • Provide innovative approaches to elevating society and evolving its healthcare system
  • Raise the productivity of resources and promote health-supporting agents
  • Support collective intelligence by channeling various levels of complexity to arrive at a practical solution or an incisive decision
  • Assure the positive employment of financial and human capital to provide healthcare services
  • Invest in the decommissioning and transformation of inappropriate educational and clinical spaces
  • Facilitate the internationalization program via MOUs, international cooperation and collaboration, international agreements/contracts, International Education Program (IEP), et cetera.
  • Generate revenue from global health delivery projects and international programs such as medical tourism and the IEP
  • Provide expertise for both internal and external quality assurance, quality audit, and accreditation activities
  • Promote the university’s international rank  among medical research and teaching medical institutions, and assess SUMS performance against the highest international standards
  • Further high-quality and accessible education and influential research experiences to contribute to local and global healthcare demands
  • Improve the opportunities for interdisciplinary programs, including research activities, study programs, and teaching practicums
  • Provide an amicable and rewarding academic and work environment for students, faculty, and staff
  • Utilize novel technologies to support teaching, learning, assessment, and research
  • Create and deliver online courses
  • Design computer-based and online examinations
  • Minimize the university’s environmental impacts
  • Observe the highest standards of ethics and humanistic values


Core Values

Always as SUMS operating ethos, the following values are prioritized to underlie the university’s mission. These values serve as the foundation for SUMS commitment, as a tertiary institution and healthcare contributor, to provide a more equitable and inclusive atmosphere for education, practice, and research while envisioning both personal enhancement and social progress.



SUMS is committed to academic freedom and values the diverse scientific approaches of its community members; therefore, it respects the vicissitude of ideas and the expansive range of experiences.


In an effort to maintain its leadership position in Iran, SUMS encourages scholars to exchange ideas, foster an environment conducive to effective communication, and perpetuate SUMS engaging aura. To serve its global vision, SUMS also strives to expand its international relations and share its perspectives and scientific research with the international scientific community. 


SUMS strives to be home to individuals from various backgrounds. SUMS believes that diversity fosters a productive academic atmosphere that promotes the university’s mission and enriches a more creative environment. Being hospitable to people from diverse backgrounds improves our mutual understanding.


Each department and division of the University is tasked with fostering synergy to advance SUMS resourcefulness and its scientific progress.


Although SUMS is considered a platform for a plethora of options, a home for diverse individuals, and a forum for the exchange of divergent ideas, it is viewed holistically and as an entity that strives to unite with others across the globe.


Since the University embarked on its quest for medical teaching, research, and healthcare practice, excellence has been demonstrated in utilizing available opportunities, creating new ones, and ensuring quality healthcare delivery.


Consistently seeking novel approaches to the healthcare system, pedagogy, and research, innovation is one of the university’s core values to influence the practice and experience at SUMS positively.


Compassion is one of SUMS defining characteristics, exemplified by the university’s humanitarian stance toward all human sufferings.


Commitment to the well-being of all those with whom the university interacts, especially the national community, compels SUMS to provide patients with state-of-the-art services.

Respect for the Natural Environment

SUMS acknowledges the environmental impacts of humans and the repercussions they will consequently incur. Therefore, the University recognizes its responsibility toward nature and values ecological solutions and interdisciplinary practices to ameliorate environmental degradation or mitigate the negative effects it may cause. 


Truthfulness permeates the words and actions of SUMS and serves as the foundation for every decision the University makes.