Shiraz University of Medical Sciences - SUMS
Code : 18655      Publish Date : Tuesday, March 10, 2020 Visit : 10854

Clinical Microbiology Research Center

Clinical Microbiology Research Center
Clinical Microbiology Research Center


Professor Alborzi Clinical Microbiology Research Center



Year founded: 1992

Professor Alborzi Clinical Microbiology Research Center (PACMRC) was founded by Dr. A. Alborzi in 1992 at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS), Shiraz, Iran, with the aim of developing knowledge in clinical microbiology through conducting research studies and overcoming challenges with infectious diseases. The Center was named after Dr. Alborzi in 1995 for his academic accomplishments in the field, and it was then registered with Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education. Since 1999, it has been recognized as the most important microbiology research center in Iran. The center received a Distinction Award in the Razi Research Festival on Medical Sciences in 2001. Working dynamically during the past 25 years, the faculty and the staff at the center have published extensively in the field, of which, 140 publications appear in internationally recognized journals.

The research findings have had great contributions to the management of infectious diseases across the country, and have introduced new respective approaches and strategies. For example, a multi-center study entitled “Identifying the Bacterial Meningitis Causes in Children in Iran” revealed that Haemophilus influenzae bacterium is the most prevalent etiologic agent among Iranian children with meningitis, and consequently this vaccination against the bacterium was approved in the Iranian Vaccination Committee and was introduced to the national vaccination program. This accomplishment led to Dr. John Nelson, the World Health Organization’s representative in the Middle East, to rank the laboratory of this research center as the top laboratory in the Eastern Mediterranean.

The faculty working in the Professor Alborzi Research Center hold PhD degrees in Bacteriology, Virology, Microbiology, Immunology, and Mycology.  The faculty and the staff work together to conduct research in the respective areas using sophisticated labs. They have been capable of fulfilling educational, diagnostic and clinical needs in infectious diseases and tuberculosis.

As for educational activities, the faculty also actively design research proposals for PhD students in the field of Clinical Microbiology, provide training courses for fellows in Pediatric Infectious Diseases, hold scientific workshops and seminars and prepare treatment manuals and pamphlets. In 2011, the Medical Expansion Office approved the admission of research students for PhD in the center with four students admitted in 2012 and the program is continuing.

Given the goal of the PACMRC is the promotion of health standards, especially in infectious diseases and the application of the research findings, a center for Clinical Microbiological Diagnosis was established in 2006 which provides cutting-edge lab services in Virology, Bacteriology and TB, Mycology, Parasitology and Immunology for admitted patients and outpatients.
The Center actively pursues the promotion of health standards in relation to infectious diseases across Iran with reliance on faculty’s capabilities and utilizing the most up-to-date technology and knowledge, in collaboration with other existing research centers and organizations.


Research Priorities

  • Meningitis (bacterial and viral)
  • Brucellosis
  • Tuberculosis and BCG vaccine
  • Helicobacter pylori
  • Antibiotic resistance especially in hospital-acquired infections
  • Infections in immunocompromised patients especially the transplant recipients
  • Leishmaniosis especially visceral type
  • Invasive fungal infections
  • Investigating the viral agents such AC enteroviruses, polioviruses, HIV and their related disorders
  • Investigating Herpes virus family especially Cytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex, Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) and their related disorders
  • Respiratory viruses especially influenza and new strains
  • Investigating bacterial and viral etiology of diarrhea especially Shigella, clostridium difficile and rotavirus
  • Investigating Hepatitis viruses especially types A, B, C, D, E and their related disorders


  • The selected Research Center in the 7th Razi Research Festival on Medical Sciences
  • Ranked as the best Clinical Microbiology Research Center in the Eastern Mediterranean
  • Dr. Abdoalvahab Alborzi ranked as the third top researcher of the country in 2000
  • Dr. Parisa Badiee ranked as the best researcher of the country for three consecutive years
  • Ranked as the best Clinical Microbiology Research Center in the region
  • A report prepared on the “Bacterial Meningitis causes in children in Iran” for the National Vaccination Committee which led to the approval of the Haemophilus Influenza Vaccination in the country
  • Use of BACTEC blood culture in the Research Center for the first time in the country
  • Offering advanced treatments in the country for visceral leishmaniasis, aspiration of lymph node, Nalidexic Acid as a preferred treatment for bloody diarrhea
  • Using molecular tests for the diagnosis of invading fungus and providing 24-hour service for patients
  • Using molecular tests for the diagnosis of infectious diseases and providing 24-hour service for the patients
  • Using molecular tests for the diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis and providing services for patients





Gholamreza Pouladfar

Associate professor of Internal Disease

Subspecialty in Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Download CV




Contact information:


Prof. Alborzi Clinical Microbiology Research Center

Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

Namazi Hospital, Karimkhan Zand St., Shiraz, Iran

PO Box: 71937-11351


Tel.: (+98 71) 36 47 42 96

Fax: (+98 71) 36 47 43 03


Link to the Center’s Website