Shiraz University of Medical Sciences - SUMS
Code : 18843      Publish Date : Saturday, March 12, 2022 Visit : 6111

School of Rehabilitation Sciences

School of Rehabilitation Sciences


School of Rehabilitation Sciences



School of Rehabilitation Sciences was originally founded as a higher education institute for rehabilitation studies in 1977 and started to recruit students for its first launched program, an associate’s degree in Physiotherapy, in the same year. Later in 1978, a bachelor’s degree program was offered in the same field. As time passed on, the School’s growth in size, as well as the number of facilities, personnel, and faculty has laid the groundwork to offer new degree programs which are chronologically listed below based on the year of establishment:

  • M.Sc. in physiotherapy (1990)
  • Ph.D. in Physiotherapy (2008)
  • B.Sc. in Speech Therapy and in Occupational Therapy (2008)
  • M.Sc. in Ergonomics (2009)
  • M.Sc. in Sport Physiotherapy degree (2009)
  • Ph.D. in Ergonomics (2016)
  • B.Sc. in Audiology, and Orthotics and Prosthetics (2017)

To open up clinical fields of study and to advance health, rehabilitation, and service delivery through teaching, research, and professional service, in 2006, the school opened a teaching clinic located on its campus. The clinic has been focusing on physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy service delivery and education and is now one of the most active sections of the School. In 2017, another teaching clinic, Clinic for Pelvic Floor Disorders, was added to the school complex allowing us to meet the health care and rehabilitation needs of the society and maintain supervised clinical practice experiences for our students.

Currently, with seven disciplines related to rehabilitative care, six departments, five research centers, seven clinics, and 74 faculty members, SUMS school of Rehabilitation Sciences has a solid reputation in rehabilitation and disabilities education, research, and health care services. At SUMS School of Rehabilitation Sciences, the school community seeks excellence in all their endeavors and facets of work, uncompromising adherence to ethical principles is emphasized, and future generations of health care professionals—therapists, counselors, advocates, scientists, providers, and practitioners— are trained to serve the needs of all people regardless of background.



In the following you can find a comprehensive list of our programs. With a combination of coursework and intensive hands-on learning, these programs will prepare students for a meaningful career as a health-care professional.

Program Name B.Sc. M.Sc. Ph.D.

Physical Therapy

Program Exists at SUMS Program Exists at SUMS Program at Exists at SUMS

Occupational Therapy

Program Exists at SUMS    

Speech Therapy

Program Exists at SUMS    

Sport Physical Therapy

  Program Exists at SUMS  


Campus Facilities

SUMS invests heavily in its facilities ensuring that its students, faculty, and staff are provided with the best of resources helping them to succeed in their work and study. SUMS also offers a wide range of recreation and welfare facilities to create an interactive life experience across its campuses. The following are among these facilities available at the School of Rehabilitation Sciences:


Educational Facilities

  • 1 Library (Dr. Behrooz Kazemi Library)
  • 1 laboratory (21.5 square meters)
  • 9 classrooms (with a total area of 68.319 square meters) used for undergraduate students
  • 1 classroom (with an area of 44.33 square meters) used for graduate students
  • 7 workshop rooms
  • 1 conference hall
  • Audiovisual equipment including 12 video projectors, 5 overhead devices, 1 photo camera, 1 video camera, 1950 teaching slides, 71 teaching videos, 2 opaque projectors, 11 slide projectors
  • 1 internet access computer hall (with an area of 24.42 square meters)
  • 115 computers (10 of which can be used by the students at the school’s computer pool)
  • 1 amphitheater hall (80.94 square meters)
  • 1 anatomy hall (56.16 square meters)
  • 7 theory-practice halls electrotherapy, exercise therapy, hydrotherapy, moulage, biomechanical laboratory, electrophysiology laboratory, splint hall, activities workshop room)
  • 6 teaching clinics
  • Gait Analysis System (Qualysis, Sweden) - Eight camera high speed Motion Analysis
  • ME6000 - Telemetry EMG (Mega Electronics Ltd., Finland) - A 16 channel Mega telemetered EMG system
  • Kistler Force Plate - Piezoelectric ground embedded kistler force plate
  • Biodex Multi-Joint System - System 4 Pro with motorized seat height, front-to-back chair adjustment, fully assisted dynamometer height adjustment, and side-to-side adjustment - Attachments: Ankle, knee, shoulder, elbow, wrist and hip
  • Gait Analysis System (MIE Medical Research Ltd., UK) - The MIE Gait Analysis System is a unique and economical system providing instantaneous analysis of gait which can be used anywhere
  • Digital Multi-Myometer (MIE Medical Research Ltd., UK) - The Digital Analyser Multi-Myometer from MIE Medical Research Ltd is a dual function dynamometer. It consists of an electronic amplifier with digital display and two transducers
  • Oxycon Spirometer (Jaege Toennies, Medizintechnik Mit System, Germany) 
  • Sapphire II Clinical EMG Instrument (Medlec, UK) -  4 channel, emg/ncv,preamplifier, electrical stimulator
  • Neurowerk EEG - The system provides digital video recording, mobile long term monitoring with the assistance of our ultra-light-weight EEG/Polygraphy recorder, bedside monitoring with a miniaturized tablet PC
  • Neurowerk EMG - The NEUROWERK EMG is a complete 2 or 4 channel neurophysiological measuring system for EMG, NCV and Evoked Potentials for use both in the clinic and in research
  • Neuro MS - Magnetic stimulator for diagnostic and therapeutic stimulation of cerebral cortex motor zones and peripheral nervous system
  • TekScan foot pressure measurement system (mat scan) USA - Low-profile pressure measurement mat that captures static and dynamic pressure data for foot function and gait analysis, as well as balance, sway and postural data
  • Wagner Digital Algometer (FPIX) - The Wagner FPIX™ Digital Algometer provides pain diagnostic testing with digital clarity and computer interface for data logging
  • Body Composition Analyzer (Maltron, UK) - Maltron BioScan 916 is both an Impedance and Capacitive analyser and one of the most advance systems calibrated for all age groups, ethnicity including clinical population
  • Hydraulic Pinch Gauge - The Jamar Hydraulic Pinch Gauge is a piece of medical diagnostic equipment that measures the pinch strength of an individual
  • Treadmill (Work Leisure, USA)


Recreation and Welfare Facilities

  • Buffet
  • Self-canteen
  • Praying room


Contact Details

Dean: Dr. Alireza Motealleh


Address: School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Chamran Blvd.,1 Abiverdi St., Shiraz, Iran

P.O. Box: 71345-1733

Zip Code: 71947–33669

Tel.: (+98 71) 36 27 15 51-2

Fax: (+98 71) 36 27 24 95