Shiraz University of Medical Sciences - SUMS
Code : 18341      Publish Date : Thursday, July 30, 2015 Visit : 11601

Health Tourism

Health Tourism
 Health Tourism

             Health Tourism



For more than 60 years, Shiraz has been renowned as the hub of health tourism in southern Iran. Shiraz has been receiving thousands of foreign patients, each year, especially from the Arab countries lying on the shores of the Persian Gulf.  Having tens of equipped university, charity, and private specialty and subspecialty hospitals, this city provides a vast range of medical services through experienced and skillful doctors. The following are some special medical services offered to the patients in Shiraz:


  • Organ Transplantation: Including liver, renal, pancreas, and bone marrow transplants
  • Cerebral Vascular Angioplasty
  • Hepatic Artery Angioplasty
  • Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy for various cancers
  • Eye Surgery
  • Slimming Services and Skin and Cosmetic Surgery
  • Cardiovascular Surgery
  • Hip and knee orthopedics and Arthroplasty.
  • Infertility Treatment through Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as in vitro-fertilization (IVF).


All hospitals in Shiraz are under close supervision of Shiraz University of Medial Sciences and Shiraz Medical Council. Foreign patients coming to Shiraz hospitals can refer to one of these organizations to get informed about their legal rights.

Head of Health Tourism at the Office of Vice-Chancellor for Treatment is responsible for required coordination as well as developing the mechanisms relevant to health tourism at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.


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