Shiraz University of Medical Sciences - SUMS
Code : 18833      Publish Date : Sunday, February 27, 2022 Visit : 4344

Incubators and Accelerators

Incubators and Accelerators



Directorate for Health Technology Development


The pivotal role of universities in economic and entrepreneurial development has highlighted the need for institutional transformation in higher education. In this sense, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) is committed to become a third and eventually fourth generation, entrepreneurial, innovative, technology-oriented and revenue generating institution.

SUMS “Directorate for Health Technology Development” was founded in 2014 with the purpose of enhancing academic and technology-related activities, creating an adequate platform for advancement of research, developing technological and knowledge-based products, and facilitating the patenting and commercialization processes, as well as transferring technology and supplying the final products to industries and consumers. Currently, this directorate is in charge of 6 research incubators, 1 accelerator center, and 125 subsidiary companies of which 23 are knowledge based.


Offices of the Directorate:

  • Office for Innovations, Inventions and Intellectual Property
  • Office for Industrial Relations
  • Office for Congresses and International Research Exchange


Missions of the Directorate:

  • Promoting the culture of product-oriented and applied research
  • Facilitating the development and implementation of technology-based projects
  • Supporting the launch and development of knowledge-based companies and research incubators
  • Supporting patent registers, intellectual property rights, and industrial relations
  • Empowering researchers and technologists


Research Incubators and Accelerator Center of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences


Biotechnology Incubator

Information Technology Incubator 

Medical Device Incubator

Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering Incubator 

Pharmaceutical Products Technology Incubator

Traditional and Herbal Medicine Incubator

Research and Technology Accelerator Center


Useful Links:

Research at SUMS

SUMS Research Centers

Research Equipment

SUMS Visiting Professor Program                                              

SUMS Journals at a Glance

SUMS Digital Libraries

SUMS Traditional Libraries