Medical Journalism is a combination of medicine as a science and journalism as an art. This is a unique and novel area of study by which the graduates will be able to design, implement, analyze, write, edit, and manage research and articles in various fields of medicine and para medicine. The aim of this course is to train students to be able to work at medical journals as editors or at medical research centers as research and publishing consultants. It has been designed to bridge the gap between researchers and consumers of medical sciences by enhancing the reporting quality of scientific achievements. In recent years, the methods of reporting scientific findings have developed greatly alongside developments in medical science and journalism technologies. Medical Journalism is a multidisciplinary field aiming to familiarize students with key concepts related to designing, implementing, reporting and publishing of medical science productions such as copyright laws, ethics in publishing, scientific and technical editing, principles of scientific writing, etc. After completing this course, students are expected to use their expertise to enhance the quality of reporting and publication of science in all paramedical and medical disciplines. They will be able to write, edit, and revise medical articles, manage editorial responsibilities in medical journal offices, plan, design, and evaluate research related to medical journalism, and methodologically criticize medical research. Students who wish to apply should have sufficient skills and knowledge in English language, computer driving skills, and management capabilities. They would later be able to work in journal offices, vice-chancelleries of research, research centers, and media. Students will pass 32 academic credits (24 core and 4 non-core credits plus 4 credits for their thesis). These credits will cover all aspects of medical journalism such as theory of medical journalism (including lectures on terminology, how to rite, articles triage or screening at journal offices, peer review, critical appraisal, scientometry, and history of medical journals), copy editing, online production, magazine production, epidemiology, biostatistics, research methodology, search strategy in medical databases, modern English for medical writing, media law, publication ethics (including authorship criteria, conflict of interest, copyright issues, data fabrication, data falsification, redundant publication, salami publication, image manipulation, etc), journalism skills, news and feature writing, etc.