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Code : 18322-79      Created Date : Wednesday, January 8, 2020   Update Date : Saturday, January 11, 2020    Visit : 2471


Head of the Department of Clinical Microbiology and Infection Diseases of the University of Nijmegen Visits Shiraz University of Medical Sciences


Professor Jacques Meis


Professor Jacques Meis, the Head of the Department of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases of the University of Nijmegen, Netherlands visited the School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) for three days and cascaded the most recent research information on a drug resistant fungal pathogen called Candida auris.

Dr. Nasrollah Erfani, SUMS Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs, stated that he strongly supported the plans to facilitate international scholars’ and scientists’ visits to SUMS. He also promised to pave the way for SUMS academic departments, research centers, and teaching hospitals to collaborate with pre-eminent universities across the globe.

As the head of SUMS Infectious Diseases Basic Research Center, Dr. Pakshir, elaborated, during Dr. Meis’ three-day visit, several round table meetings with the Departments of Parasitology, Mycology, Bacteriology, and Virology as well as SUMS graduate and undergraduate students were held. The main purposes of these round table talks were getting familiar with the latest advances, diagnosis, and infection control as to the aforementioned organism, sharing information about the University research equipment and facilities, and discussing the possibilities of knowledge exchange and conducting joint research projects with Dutch universities.  


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