Dr. Mahmoudreza Pourkarim
Senior Postdoctoral fellow
Clinical and Epidemiological Virology
Laboratory of clinical and epidemiological virology
Rega Institute, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Email: mahmoudreza.pourkarim@kuleuven.be
Phone: + 32-16-32 11 53
Address:Herestraat 49, Rega Institute for Medical Research - 10th floor
3000 Leuven, Belgium
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MahmoudReza Pourkarim born and grew up in Shiraz, Iran. He obtained his Bachelor and Master degree in Microbiology. He joined Bushehr Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization as Vice Director and Quality Control (QC) manager, where he implemented notable improvements to the blood safety. He received a scholarship from the Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran for a doctoral program. In 2006, he joined Laboratory of Clinical and Epidemiological Virology, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Rega Institute for Medical Research at KU Leuven Belgium. He received his PhD in Medical Virology in 2012. His professional interest focusses of viral hepatitis, particularly inter- and intra-host evolution of hepatitis B virus (HBV). He discovered novel strains of HBV and proposed new classification of HBV.
Educational background,strong scientific experience and knowledge in field of viral hepatitis resulted in over 40 scholarly peer-reviewed publications and made him an internationally known scientist in the field of blood borne infectious diseases. He currently conducts his cutting-edge research in the field of human blood virome. He received several research grants from different scientific organizations and pharmaceutical companies. Dr. Pourkarim is a member of editorial boards of several peer-review journals including Hepatitis Monthly, Journal of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Diseases (JAID) and Journal of Virology and Antiviral Research. He is an active scientist in WHO global program in eradication of viral hepatitis. His recent publications in The Lancet and the Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology exhibits his scientific visions. Currently, he is a senior scientist and leading his own group in Rega Institute of KU Leuven focusing on human blood virome in healthy and infected patients. Dr. Pourkarim is ambitious to transfer his experience and knowledge about emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases to his homeland.