Prof. Dr. Prasun Chakrabarti
Provost and Institute Endowed Distinguished Senior Chair Professor
Techno Inda Njr Institute of Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering
Rajasthan Technical University
E-mail Address: drprasun.cse@gmail.com
Phone: +91 6290026219
Address: Techno Inda Njr Institute of Technology, Udaipur 313601, Rajasthan, India
Prof Dr. Prasun Chakrabarti has received his Ph.D. (Engg) from Jadavpur University, India in 2009. He is working as Provost and Institute Endowed Distinguished Senior Chair Professor, Techno India NJR Institute of Technology India. He has more than 230 publications, 11 books and 42 filed Indian patents in his credit. He has supervised 10 Ph.D. candidates successfully. On various research assignments, he has visited Waseda University Japan (2012 availing prestigious INSA-CICS travel grant), University of Mauritius (2015), Nanyang Technological University Singapore (2015,2016,2019), Lincoln University College Malaysia (2018), National University of Singapore (2019), Asian Institute of Technology Bangkok Thailand (2019) and ISI Delhi (2019). He is a Fellow of Royal Society of Arts London, IET(UK), IETE, ISRD(UK), IAER(London), AE(I), CET(I) , Nikhil Bharat Shiksha Parisad and a Senior member of the IEEE(USA).
Research Priorities:
AI and Data Analytics in Alzheimer’s Disease
Previous Academic Collaborations with SUMS:
Prof. Dr. Chakrabarti has collaborations with Dr. Mohammad Nami who is an assistant professor of Neuroscience at SUMS School of Advanced Medical Sciences and Technologies.