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Code : 18782      Created Date : Tuesday, April 13, 2021   Update Date : Saturday, May 21, 2022    Visit : 817


Vice-Chancellery for Treatment Affairs


Sustainable efforts toward the betterment of the community have been among the missions on which Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) has been persistently emphasizing. To make this objective enacted, SUMS Vice-Chancellery for Treatment Affairs is entirely responsible for making policy decisions, directing SUMS activities in treatment affairs, and supporting service-providing units of hospitals in Fars province. The Vice-Chancellery sets its objectives to provide each member of the province with quality diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation services. Within a range of reasonably accessible and optimized medical facilities, state-of-the-art health services are delivered by expert health care professionals and trained staff at a reasonable price. To decrease disparities in health services across the province, not only adequate structures are provided but operational management of the facilities is also observed. Vice-Chancellery for Treatment Affairs, moreover, prioritizes alleviating and treating different types of disabilities, reducing the death toll, and delivering health care services to patients with rare or refractory diseases as well as those in need of emergency care.


Key Task Responsibilities Are to:

  • Assuage short-term and long-term complications of diabetes, prevent the occurrence of such complications, take necessary measures to diverge from normal progression of the disease, stop the progression of the disease all according to the national medical guidelines prepared to control desired metabolic functions and prevent early and late complications of diabetes
  • Prepare and implement health promotional and development strategies for neonatal and pediatric health care services aiming at reducing neonatal and pediatric mortality
  • Study and assess the pattern of hospital-acquired infections and reduce the antibiotic intake prudently
  • Train staff regarding infection control and clinical personal safety
  • Prepare an operational plan for medical tourism programs and issue the required International Patient Department (IPD) License for medical facilities and facilitator companies
  • Recruit and assign specialists and paramedics
  • Issue different medical licenses
  • Supervise laboratories in Fars Province and promote laboratory service status
  • Monitor radiology services and pertinent affairs at Medical facilities
  • Monitor the provision and distribution of medical equipment across the province
  • Screen and assess medical facilities’ activities at various time intervals
  • Recruit physicians into medical councils
  • Provide information on medical tariffs and review received complains and infraction reports in this regard
  • Make pharmaceutical services available to patients with rare diseases and provide them with essential information and instruction
  • Provide medical emergency care services within a very short time and with the lowest complications
  • Conduct applied research to promote community health and resolve problems involved in the health care system
  • Coordinate all the affairs related to nursing with those of midwifery
  • Screen and maintain community health care via dealing with violators according to SUMS rules and regulations and its legal power as well as complying with Iran’s penal codes
  • Arrange health programs for medical facilities across the province and screen the implementation of the programs
  • Pay special attention to hospital and prehospital emergencies and plan to improve the current situation with the cooperation of other SUMS vice-chancelleries
  • Pursue the completion of medical projects in the province to develop fair diagnostic and medical services
  • Supervise medical activities to deliver optimal health services in the public and private sectors and to respect the rights of service recipients
  • Implement the clinical guidance program in cooperation with SUMS School of Medicine
  • Implement the vice-chancellery’s operational plan in accord with Iran’s 1404 vision plan and SUMS policies



  • Directorate for Disease Control and Prevention and Health Centers for Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Directorate for Supervision and Accreditation of Treatment Programs
  • Directorate for Trauma and Emergency Medical Services
  • Reference Laboratory, Directorate for Laboratory Affairs
  • Directorate for Complementary and Traditional Medicine
  • Directorate for Medical Equipment
  • Office of Coordinating Insurance Affairs, Tariff, and Standardization



Mehrdad Sharifi, M.D.

Address:5th Floor, Administration Building of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Zand St., Shiraz, Iran

Zip Code: 71348-14336

Tel.: (+98 71) 32 30 54 10 -19


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