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Code : 18788      Created Date : Tuesday, April 13, 2021   Update Date : Sunday, May 22, 2022    Visit : 824


Vice-Chancellery for Development, Management, and Resources


Previously known as the Vice-Chancellery for Support Services, the Vice-Chancellery for Development, Management, and Resources is in charge of resource planning, procurement, development, and management. It is also missioned at providing requisite capacities to implement an effective administrative system for delegating duties, defining responsibilities, establishing oversight, and reporting on performance.


 Its key task responsibilities are to:

  1. Make policy decisions, develop guidelines, and program plans
  2. Manage human resources, recruitment selection, and induction processes
  3. Manage human resources services
  4. Provide and supervise human, financial, physical, and equipment resources
  5. Leverage the University’s key resources
  6. Assess job gradings and compensation and benefits
  7. Facilitate continuous improvement
  8. Provide payroll, group benefits, and pension administration to the University community
  9. Decide on regulations and guidelines in its areas of concern, including staff affairs, administration affairs, financial affairs, general affairs, expenditures, expenses, revenues, accounting and auditing, and assets maintenance and management
  10. Announce and enforce approved regulations and guidelines
  11. monitor the proper implementation of SUMS financial and administrative regulations
  12. Monitor credit performances, including “current” “open” “revolving credit” cash flow, development, and allotment for all portfolios
  13.  Monitor the preparation of financial statements, including balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, financing activities, et cetera.
  14. Carry out financial accounting tasks, including the preparation of financial reports, bookkeeping records, and statutory accounts, purchase direct materials, review financial documents, invoices and receipts, and the like
  15. Coordinate financial and administration units and departments located at SUMS administration building with those located at other University affiliated buildings
  16. Review submitted reform proposals and suggest novel, innovative ones for organization and management development in line with the management system, organizational structure and chart, management methodology, job categorization, and training administrative sciences and techniques in management
  17.  Draw up budgeting policies and guidelines according to the approved policies of both Iran’s Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical education and SUMS
  18. Set and propose SUMS and its affiliate facilities’ (units) budget
  19. Carry out varied bulding engineering tasks
  20. Investigate the needs of SUMS building facilities, building repair, refurbishment and maintenance projects, Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning and other utility, and wireless installations, as well as follow up the provision of these requirements
  21. Renovate, expand, and maintain SUMS health care, teaching, and research facilities
  22. Take necessary measures for the provision of staff welfare services
  23. Inform each affiliated unit about SUMS statutes, regulations, acts, statutes, and constitutions and any othe rules, regulations, and acts approved by the university's regulatory body for the unit concerned



  • Directorate for Organizational Development and Administrative Reform
  • Directorate for Human Resources
  • Directorate for Budget Planning and Performance Monitoring 
  • Directorate for Financial Affairs
  • Directorate for Logistics and Welfare Affairs
  • Directorate for Physical Resources and Supervision of Civil Projects



Seyed Abolfazl Hashemi

Address:2nd Floor, Administration Building of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Zand St., Shiraz, Iran

Zip Code: 71348-14336

Tel.: (+98 71) 32 30 00 50 (+98 71) 32 33 78 96



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