Tuesday, March 25, 2025 Current Time : 13:12 In Tehran
University Bodies

Shiraz University of Medical Sciences mainly aims at training talents through scientific education, research, and expansion of medical and paramedical sciences in order to supply the specialist staff required in the country, setting research and educational facilities to recognize potentialities and enhance the scientific capacity in relation to health and treatment issues and expanding health and treatment facilities throughout the society through affiliated health and treatment organizations and centers. University Authorities have played a crucial role in achieving these goals. Based on the first term of administration regulations for the universities and higher education institutes, the authorities of the university are as follows:


1.     Board of Trustees

2.     University Council

3.     Board of Directors

4.     Board of Auditors

5.     University Specialized Councils


The following table represents university authorities and their responsibilities:


University Authorities

Members Responsibilities and Duties

Board of Trustees

1-Minister of Health and Medical Education (as the President)


2-University Chancellor (as the Secretary)


Four to six local and national authorities contributing significantly to the development of the university 3 are members of the university academic staff)

3-President of planning and administration organization or his representative

1- Approving internal regulations, administration, detailed budget, financial and recruitment regulations and university accounts and balanced sheets

2- Determining payments for research and education

3- Assessing budget approval and university reports given by the chancellor


University Council

1- Board of Directors
2- Deans of selected schools
3- Two members of academic staff elected by councils
4- Two members of academic staff elected by the chancellor

1- Setting conditions and regulations for the selection of university students

2- Assessing professors, assistant professors and associate professors recommended by each faculty council to serve in the university

3- Setting strategies for development and reforms in the university affairs

4- Assessing and approving projects aiming at promoting university affairs

Board of Directors

1- University Chancellor

2- Vice Chancellors

3-Deans of selected Schools

4-Natural persons

1- Making decisions for current affairs of the University

2- Delivering Consultation services on the University Affairs

3- Suggesting the university organizational chart and office reforms to the Board of Trustees

4- Assessing the implementation of Board of Directors’ decisions and supervising the activities of affiliated units

5- Coordinating the vice Chancellors’ responsibilities

6- Surveying administrative and financial regulations and providing projects and agenda to be discussed in the Board of Trustees

7- Suggesting the university’s yearly budget to the Board of Trustees

8- Approving and allocating sabbatical or short-term research leaves to academic and research staff

Board of Auditors


1- Chancellor

2- Vice-chancellor for education

3- 3 to 7 academic staff ranking as professor and associate professors


1- Assessing the qualifications of the applicants to serve as Professor or associate Professor or the promotion of academic staff to these ranks. 
2- Promotion of academic staff to higher ranks
3- Assessing the quality of research and education performed by the academic staff


University Specialized Councils


1- Academic committee supervised by vice chancellor for education
2- Research council supervised by vice chancellor for research
3- Cultural and student council supervised by vice chancellor for cultural and student affairs
4- Postgraduate council supervised by vice chancellor for education

5-Internationalization Council Supervised by the Vice Chancellery for Global Strategies and International Affairs


Each Council considers issues relevant to their area of specialty including education, research, international, cultural and student affairs


SUMS Organizational Chart