General Rules of Conduct

The fundamental purpose of the present General Rules of Conduct promulgated by Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) is to safeguard health, safety, property, and rights of all members of the University community as well as promote the orderly operation of the University. As members of the University community, students accept certain responsibilities which support the educational mission and create an environment in which all students are afforded the same opportunity to succeed academically.
This document communicates the proper General Code of Conduct for all students at SUMS. This present code of conduct is aligned with the University’s main mission and core values.
The following rules and regulations are applicable to ALL undergraduate, graduate, exchange and visiting students of SUMS:
This document communicates the proper General Code of Conduct for all students at SUMS. This present code of conduct is aligned with the University’s main mission and core values.
The following rules and regulations are applicable to ALL undergraduate, graduate, exchange and visiting students of SUMS:
1. Students shall act in a manner that maximizes the substantial benefits of public education.
2. Students shall maintain academic integrity.
3. Students shall accept responsibility for their own behavior.
4. Students should not act in any manner that constitutes or appears to constitute contempt of the University.
5. Students should not behave, whether within or outside the University, in any manner which is detrimental or prejudicial to the interest, well-being or good name of the University, any of the students, staff, officers, and employees of the University, or to public order, safety or security, or to morality, decency and discipline.
6. Students shall respect others.
7. Students shall respect the rights and property of others.
8. Students shall follow established district, school, and classroom rules.
9. Students shall refrain from interfering with learning and teaching.
10. Students shall avoid eating, drinking, and chewing gum while classes are in session and during multidisciplinary rounds in clinical settings.
11. Students should avoid disturbing any teaching, study, research, administrative work, students and employees at the University.
12. Students should comply with the University’s rules, regulations, orders and procedures, whether within or outside the University.
13. Students shall have their student ID cards with themselves at all times. Failure to surrender ID card upon the request of University officials may lead to prevention from entering the University premises or using University facilities.
14. Students shall develop and use problem-solving skills to resolve conflicts.
15. Students shall refrain from harming themselves or others.
16. Students shall refrain from acting in such a manner as to expose others to risk or danger of harm or injury.
17. Students shall not use threats or intimidation against others.
18. Students should not act in any manner that constitutes or appears to constitute a threat or intimidation or is injurious, physically or mentally, to the well-being and safety of any other student or any staff member of the University.
19. Students shall not engage in unlawful activities (see Booklet No. 7 on SUMS’ Student Disciplinary Regulations).
20. Participation in or conducting an unauthorized gathering or any assembly that objectively threatens or causes injury to person or property or that interferes with free access to the University premises including residence halls, or any such gathering that is unprotected and objectively harmful, obstructive, or disruptive to the educational process or functions of the University is strongly prohibited.
21. Smoking within the University premises and its affiliated residence halls is forbidden.
22. No student should give, supply, provide or offer or propose to give any liquor, intoxicating substances, addictive energizing drugs, alcoholic beverages, and addictive, narcotic, depressant, or hallucinogenic drugs or substances as amphetamines, marijuana or any of that ilk.
23. Any student who is found to be in a state of intoxication or under the influence of any dangerous drugs or poison should be guilty of a disciplinary offense (see Booklet No. 7 on SUMS’ Student Disciplinary Regulations).
24. No student should consume orally or smoke, inhale, or introduce into his/her body by injection, or in any other manner whatsoever, any dangerous drugs or poison.
25. The University may require a student suspected to be a drug dependent to submit himself/herself for urine test. If a student refuses to submit himself/herself to this test, he/she commits a disciplinary offense.
26. No student should, within or outside the University, have in his possession any article, which is considered as obscene or pornographic.
27. The distribution, circulation or exhibitions of any obscene article within the University is considered illegal.
28. Students shall refrain from carrying, bringing, using, or possessing any weapon or weapon facsimile, or using anything else as a weapon, in or on district property.
29. A student should not do anything that may be prejudicial to the cleanliness and neatness of a students’ living accommodation within the University, or of any other buildings or structures or any other parts affiliated with the University (see Booklet No. 4 on SUMS’ Housing Rules and Regulations).
30. Dispersing litter in any form onto the grounds of campus or University facilities including housing areas shall be avoided.
31. A student shall not make any sound or noise, or cause any sound or noise to be produced, by any means or in any manner, where such noise or sound causes or is likely to cause annoyance or disturbance to any person within the University or in SUMS’ clinical settings.
32. The University may require a student suspected to have mental disorder to submit himself/herself for medical examination by a qualified and SUMS’ approved medical practitioner.
33. The proper relationship between the opposite sexes and the acceptable attire of students are among essential components of the University’s identity and accordingly the same should be clearly defined. The University expects the students to observe the values and norms of moral propriety, decent behavior and respectable attire that together reflect the identity that the University wishes to project and nurture. The following orders, in addition to the existing ones, are meant to reinforce the importance of the above objectives and help the students to live up and uphold the high level of Islamic manners, ethics and decent behavior.
34. Students shall maintain appropriate dress and hygiene (see Booklets No. 2 & 3 on SUMS’ Dress Code)
35. Any student who is inappropriately attired will be barred altogether from entering all academic and administration buildings and shall be guilty of a disciplinary offense (see Booklet No. 7 on SUMS’ Student Disciplinary Regulations).
36. Male and female students should at all times practice the principle of modesty, respectable interaction and proper decorum in public places, during meetings, sporting and cultural activities, gatherings or when dealing with patients in clinical settings.
37. All students shall show respect for all cultural backgrounds through developing cultural competence and acknowledgment of diversity across the University.
38. Close proximity between unmarried couples, or individuals (not being a “mahram”*) or being in physical proximity between opposite genders or of the same gender in any suspicious situation(s) or in any condition(s) which may raise suspicions as to the real motive of the acts and/or all kinds of deviant behaviors are not allowed. “Suspicious situations” and “deviant activities” here include all, but not limited to sexual activities with or without the consent of the involved parties.
*According to Islam, a “mahram” relative is generally one to whom marriage is absolutely and permanently prohibited, such as father, mother, son, daughter, sister, brother, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle.
39. Opposite gendered students found doing any of the following acts would be deemed as violating the University’s code of conduct:
Holding hands
Caressing any part of the partner’s body
Sitting in close proximity to each other in isolation from other people in a situation or position that could raise suspicion as to the real motive of the act
40. No person not being a “mahram” is permitted to, within or outside the University, engage in any kind of sexual conduct with any members of the University or visitors to the University which may also include other serious or persistent unwanted sexual contact or conduct, such as harassment, threats, intimidation or unwanted touching or fondling.
41. If at any time during enrolment on a course of study of the University a student is arrested by the police and charged with a criminal offense, the student is required to report this immediately to the University. If he/she is sent to trial, the University must also be kept informed at all stages either by the student or by their legal representative. If the student is convicted then this must also be reported along with details of any sentence imposed.
42. Aiding, abetting, or procuring another person to do an activity which otherwise violates this Code of Conduct is prohibited. Being present during planning or commission of any offense will be considered aiding and abetting. Thus, students who anticipate or observe an offense should remove themselves from the situation and shall report the offense.
43. Students, externs, interns, residents or fellows shall switch their cell phones off in clinical settings, especially during interdisciplinary rounds.
44. When it appears to a Disciplinary Authority that a student has committed a disciplinary offense, the Disciplinary Authority shall proceed with further investigations.
45. The Disciplinary Authority may issue a notice to the student to attend before the Disciplinary Authority to give statement in writing within a specified period or on the date specified in the notice.
Please be aware that the University may from time to time make new rules and regulations or make amendments to the existing rules and regulations. The Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs (GSIA) will promulgate new rules and regulations and amendments to the students by notices. In an effort to keep students, parents/guardians, staff, and others apprised to the maximum extent practicable, the latest version of each such policy and regulation will be published on the University website at Updated regulations should be regarded as the final authority.