Tuesday, March 25, 2025 Current Time : 12:58 In Tehran
Code : 18448      Created Date : Tuesday, May 31, 2016   Update Date : Wednesday, January 15, 2025    Visit : 10388


Requirement for Recruiting Agents


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As a part of our internationalization strategy, we invite international student recruitment agencies from around the world to collaborate with Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) and act as SUMS agents. Our agents will represent us in their respective countries, promote the University, and help potential students get better acquainted with SUMS to make informed decisions. The role of our agents is also to facilitate the application process, connect students with SUMS, and support international students in different aspects of their studies .


The agents must comply with the regulations, standards, and codes of practice established by SUMS. Therefore, prospective agents will undergo a screening process after applying for SUMS agent position. We will evaluate the information and documentation provided by each candidate and select authorized agents accordingly. To be considered for the agent position, you are required to submit the following documents and information:

  • Scanned copy of passport and personal information of the agency’s CEO or authorized person (name and contact details)
  • Agency’s information (name, type, address, date of establishment, email, website address, area of operation, registration number, registration date, tax number, license of establishment, articles of association)
  • Police clearance certificate of the agency’s CEO or authorized person
  • Activity License granted by the Admissions Work Group at the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology (this document is only required for student recruitment agencies established in Iran and registered by Iran's Office of Company Registration and Industrial Property. For further information, please visit here.)


Once we have reviewed the documents and information, we will inform the agency of our decision. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to speak with SUMS Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs, either online or in person, to discuss the terms of the agent’s agreement and sign an MOU. Admitted agents will also receive a certificate of authorization from SUMS.



Useful Links:

Agentship Application Form