Research at SUMS

It is believed that every society’s development and academic advancements are grounded in research activities. In other words, there is a positive correlation between a society’s advancement and the quality and the quantity of its research output. Conducting research has always been a substantial factor to improve different sectors of a society. Moreover, many of the key challenges, unprecedented demands, and opportunities of our era require unconventional cooperation between the public and private sectors including the industry and education system. In Iran, research initiatives begin with the endeavors of university researchers and faculty. Thus, university-structured research and technology have always been considered one of the major and primary sources of research in the Country. This has strongly promoted the quality of Iran’s research output in recent years in a way that Iran has become a strong competitor for the world universities in research and technology. Iran’s share of world’s top 1% papers in recent years have been very significant.
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS), as one of the pioneers in the realms of education and research, has had a significant role in conducting quality research and has been rated as one of the top 5 medical universities in the field of research and technology in Iran. Supporting quality and applied research has been counted as the most important long-term policies of the University. As it is recorded and reported by different scientometrics, SUMS research and technology have shown a significant growth in recent years.
SUMS synthesizes research in a plethora of fields across medicine and related sciences. Research at SUMS is done in its 18 Schools, 63 Research Centers (54 of which are approved and 9 primarily approved, among these, 23 centers are located at Mohammad Rasoolullah (PBUH) Research Tower), 6 Research Incubators and some of its affiliated hospitals. The diverse range of research projects at SUMS has positively affected SUMS academic advancement, quality of teaching, and training. SUMS community members consider research a part of their academic duty and they have been consistently contributing to promoting research at the University.
SUMS research platform ambitions to become a global forum making transformative contributions to producing practical solutions to quandaries and global health issues. As one of the leading universities in research, SUMS declares its willingness to conduct joint research projects at national and international levels.
Follow this link to view a comprehensive list of research centers at SUMS.
Useful Links:
SUMS Research Centers and Institutes
Mohammad Rasoolullah (PBUH) Research Tower
SUMS Research Equipment
SUMS Journals at a Glance
SUMS Digital Libraries
SUMS Traditional Libraries