School of Nursing and Midwifery Library

Spanning a total area of 380 sqm, the School of Nursing and Midwifery Library commenced its operations in 1953. As part of their efforts to serve SUMS researchers, students, and faculty members, the Library staff provide instructional and consultation services for maximizing the use of resources, editing dissertations, and creating citation lists. The School of Nursing and Midwifery Library houses a rich collection of both general and specialized materials to support teaching and research activities at the School. Furthermore, a dedicated section within the library is reserved for first edition books, adding a unique and valuable dimension to its collection.
Facts and Figures
4227 book titles in Persian (11328 volumes)
2603 book titles in English (3587 volumes)
850 thesis dissertations (all in Persian)
400 reference book titles (600 volumes)
200 titles in Persian (350 volumes)
200 titles in English (250 volumes)
200 educational CDs
427 E-Books
Online databases
Open access journals
2 gender-specific reading rooms
65 seats
51 tables (2 of which are dedicated to the faculty)
1 computer lab
Opening Hours
Saturday – Wednesday 7:45 am – 15:30 pm
Library of the School of Nursing and Midwifery,
School of Nursing and Midwifery, Namazi Sq.
Shiraz, Iran
Useful Links:
Shahid Dr. Garakani-Nedzad Library
School of Paramedical Sciences Library
School of Pharmacy Library
School of Dentistry Library
School of Management and Medical Information Sciences Library
Avicenna Library
Dr. Behrooz Kazemi Library
Dr. Gharib Library
Daneshjoo Library
Shahid Dastgheib Library
Shahid Faghih Library (AKA Chamran Hospital Library)
Ibn-e-Sina Library
Hafez Hospital Library
Dr. Setayesh Library (AKA Khalili Hospital Library)