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Code : 18823      Created Date : Sunday, December 12, 2021   Update Date : Sunday, January 19, 2025    Visit : 3423




Chancellor of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS)



Prof. Seyed Basir Hashemi, the Chancellor of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS), is a specialist of ENT  at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. He completed a fellowship in Otology at Gutenberg University in Germany. you can download his CV from here.




Message from the Chancellor


As SUMS chancellor, I take privilege to extend my sincere thanks to SUMS faculty and staff for remaining vigilant in dealing with the condition caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and for the part they are playing in the University’s response. The fierce importance of community has been overemphasized during these unprecedent times and I am honored to lead such a devoted community including students, staff, faculty, donors, and partners.


SUMS effortless dedication to health services and contribution to diminishing health and educational disparities has been recognized since its founding in 1946. As the main university in Fars province, SUMS regulates all healthcare facilities and health networks in the province. Sustained effort in continuing with international developments permeates SUMS vibe; therefore, policies are implemented toward providing cutting-edge technology and equipment in health care, education, and research sectors. In line with international benchmarks and Iran’s Health Transformation Plan, inclusive stratagems have been formulated and executed which have yielded to health promotion in the University’s geographic area of responsibility and have made the province a target for the patients from across the world especially the Middle East.   


As another aspect of delivering sustainable health care services, training and empowering future and current health care professionals have always been of paramount importance to us. Over 900 faculty and 30000 staff are educating and providing services to SUMS students and those pursuing continuing education in over 200 disciplines. SUMS is the center of excellence for e-learning and is considered the main hub of Advanced Electronic Learning in the Country. Ample opportunities are provided at SUMS to keep students on track and help them fully develop their skills and achieve their goals. Students have many opportunities to work with SUMS professional educators in classroom, clinical, and research settings. SUMS is where science and practice come together; thus, students leave the University with a robust portfolio covering rewarding coursework and internships and many with oversea study experience.


As one of the largest and most influential universities in Iran, SUMS greatly values research and innovation. Clear policies, practices, and procedures which are aimed at supporting researchers and providing them with suitable learning and mentoring opportunities are implemented; besides, management systems are geared to not only lead also endorse research activities at SUMS. In addition to the great number of research laboratories at SUMS schools, the University is home to 63 research centers which provide world-class research environments. Owing to our faculty’s research activities, SUMS has been always ranked among top universities of Medical Sciences in publishing scientific papers per academic faculty for the last several years.


Further, we have created strong linkage with eminent universities/institutions across the globe in terms of health services, treatment, research, and education and we yearn to expand our cooperation with world’s leading universities and scholars. Cooperation with national and international partners have strengthened us and the community we serve. In the context of such collaborations or agreements/contracts and as a result of pursuing SUMS international policies, diversity is created at SUMS campus. International students and professors have become an integral part of the fabric of SUMS, they define and redefine academic experience at SUMS.


Our students, faculty, researchers, and staff as well as all these perpetual endeavors represent the best of who we are but what accurately reflect us is our commitment to our values; respect, unity, compassion, integrity, etc. underpin every decision taken by and activities conducted at SUMS.



Prof. Seyed Basir Hashemi, MD


Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

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