Daneshjoo Library

Daneshjoo Library, situated within the confines of SUMS Faghihi Hospital, was established on September 23, 1991. The library caters to a wide-ranging clientele comprising staff, faculty, researchers, and students by granting access to a vast array of premier resources. It regularly updates its collection of electronic materials to remain abreast of the users' requirements. Moreover, the library staff not only help users in navigating scholarly articles within the accessible databases but also provide personalized guidance, be it in one-on-one sessions or in small groups. A diverse range of workshops are annually organized to address users’ information needs and enhance their searching skills.
Facts and Figures
1997 titles in Persian (2956 volumes)
1454 titles in English (2248 volumes)
77 reference books
27 volumes in Persian
50 volumes in English
1903 e-book titles (1911 volumes)
2 full-time employees
2 gender-specific reading rooms
50 seats
21 tables
1 conference hall with 70 seats
1 computer lab with 6 computer suites
Opening Hours
Saturday – Wednesday 7:30 am – 8:00 pm
Thursday 7:30 am – 1:00 pm
Daneshjoo Library, Faghihi Hospital,
Zand Blvd., Shiraz, Iran
Postal Code: 71348-46114
Website: https://faghihi.sums.ac.ir/
Email: faghihilib@sums.ac.ir
Tel.: +98(713) 2125319
Useful Links:
Shahid Dr. Garakani-Nedzad Library
School of Paramedical Sciences Library
School of Pharmacy Library
School of Dentistry Library
School of Management and Medical Information Sciences Library
School of Nursing and Midwifery Library
Avicenna Library
Dr. Behrooz Kazemi Library
Dr. Gharib Library
Shahid Dastgheib Library
Shahid Faghih Library (AKA Chamran Hospital Library)
Ibn-e-Sina Library
Hafez Hospital Library
Dr. Setayesh Library (AKA Khalili Hospital Library)