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Created Date : Monday, August 3, 2015   Update Date : Wednesday, June 1, 2022    Visit : 27794

Sports and Recreations


Sport at SUMS



SUMS offers sports and recreation facilities and programs in across all campuses, dormitories, medical facilities, and affiliates. Some of these programs are as follows:

  • Organizing exercise programs in various sports fields
  • Sports competitions
  • Sports Conferences
  • Sending the selected sport teams to inter University tournaments


Sports Extracurricular Activities offered by SUMS:


  • Organizing exercise programs in the fields of football, futsal, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, chess, badminton, taekwondo, wrestling, bodybuilding, swimming, track and field, horse riding, shooting, karate and climbing for boys.
  • Organizing exercise programs in the fields of football, volleyball, basketball, swimming, table tennis, chess, badminton, fitness, track and field, horse riding, archery, yoga and climbing for girls.
  • Arranging Sports competitions among boys in the fields of Ping pong, football, soccer, Badminton, volleyball, basketball, chess, powerlifting, taekwondo, swimming, track and field, wrestling, tennis and archery based on the annual sports calendar.
  • Arranging Sports competitions among girls in the fields of volleyball, basketball, chess, Ping-Pong, fitness, badminton, futsal, swimming, athletics and archery based on the annual sports calendar.
  • Selecting and sending students teams to national competitions and students Olympiads.



Sport at Gym Sport
Sport Pool at SUMS




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