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SUMS Fellowship Programs


SUMS Fellowship Programs


Fellowship programs target specialists and subspecialists who seek practical medical education. Several fellowship programs are presented at SUMS Applicants should refer to the Admissions and Financial Aid for more information on the application process, requirements, and financial matters. The following table features the fellowship programs presented at SUMS:


SUMS Fellowship Programs
  School of Medicine Length of Training

Cardiac Anesthesia

Colorectal Surgery

Cornea & External Eye Diseases


Gynecological Endoscopy

Gynecology Oncology


Interventional Cardiology

Interventional Radiology

Liver Transplant Surgery

Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Minimally Invasive Surgery in General Surgery

Molecular Pathology & Cytogenetics

Ophthalmology Pathology 

Otology & Neurotology

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine (PCCM)

Pediatric Interventional Cardiology

Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus

Pediatric Orthopedics

Spinal Surgery

Intra-Abdominal Organ Transplant Anesthesia

Trauma in General Surgery


Vitreoretinal Surgery

1.5-2 Years




The following list provides detailed information on SUMS Fellowship Programs:


Fellowship |  Cardiac Anesthesia | About this program | Apply now...
Cardiothoracic anesthesiology is a subspeciality of the medical practice of anesthesiology devoted to the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care of adult patients undergoing cardiothoracic surgery and related invasive procedures.It deals with the anesthesia aspects of care related to surgical cases such as, but not limited to, open heart surgery, lung surgery, and other operations of the human chest.
Fellowship |  Colorectal surgery | About this program | Apply now...
Colorectal surgery is a field in medicine, dealing with disorders of the rectum, anus, and colon.
Fellowship |  Cornea & External Eye Diseases | About this program | Apply now...
Fellowship |  Urology | About this program | Apply now...
Endourology refers to a specific fellowship area in urology in which small internal endoscopes and instrumentation are used to see into the urinary tract and perform surgery.
Fellowship |  Endourology | About this program | Apply now...
Endourology refers to a specific fellowship area in urology in which small internal endoscopes and instrumentation are used to see into the urinary tract and perform surgery.
Fellowship |  Gynecological Endoscopy | About this program | Apply now...
Gynecological Endoscopy is a surgical discipline which uses optical instruments specially designed to help diagnose the most frequent female disorders and pathologies such as some infertility problems, small vaginal hemorrhages or endometrial polyps among others. Gynecological endoscopy employs hysteroscopy and laparoscopy for these purposes.
Fellowship |  Gynecology Oncology | About this program | Apply now...
Gynecologic Oncology is a specialized field of medicine that focuses on cancers of the female reproductive system, including ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, vaginal cancer, cervical cancer, and vulvar cancer. As specialists, they have extensive training in the diagnosis and treatment of these cancers.
Fellowship |  Infertility | About this program | Apply now...
Fellowship |  Interventional Cardiology | About this program | Apply now...
Interventional Cardiology is a branch of cardiology that deals specifically with the catheter based treatment of structural heart diseases.
Fellowship |  Liver Transplant Surgery | About this program | Apply now...
Liver transplantation or hepatic transplantation is the replacement of a diseased liver with some or all of a healthy liver from another person (allograft). The most commonly used technique is orthotopic transplantation, in which the native liver is removed and replaced by the donor organ in the same anatomic location as the original liver.
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