Mohammad Rasoolullah (PBUH) Research Tower

Mohammad Rasoolullah (PBUH) Research Tower is the central research complex of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) which is aimed at promoting and benefitting research activities at SUMS and other universities and research centers across Iran. The construction of the tower, which is currently the location of 23 different research centers, Cancer Central Laboratory and Registration Center, RCC Research Empowerment Center, Comprehensive Stem Cell Center and Regenerative Medicine Institute, Research and Statistics Consulting Center, Basic Medical Science Research Center, and Clinical Research Center, commenced in 2005.
Objectives and visions of the strategic research development plan of the complex include:
Leading an effective role in conducting novel and innovative research projects
Consolidating SUMS position as an effective international institution in science, technology, research, and education
Institutionalizing the practice of collaborative research
Internalizing the values of scholarship in teaching, learning, and practice
Supporting joint research projects with eminent national and international research and science institutions
Promoting social health in the Country
Building a culture of Excellence
Integrating all SUMS affiliated laboratories and research centers in one place
Collective and shared use of resources and equipment by research centers
Leveraging available key resources
Locating the administration office and research centers in the same building
Facilitating collaborative and cooperative research activities among research centers and laboratories
Saving costs including, but not limited to, human resources, equipment, and maintenance
Generating solutions to the problems of SUMS research centers
Converging basic and clinical sciences to meet the needs of patients
Developing the clinical practice of stem cells and practical use of its related technology
Fostering the attraction of funds
Equitably appropriating funds to research centers and supervising the distribution of finances to their research enterprises
Training future researchers in basic and clinical research
Creating synergy between SUMS researchers and practitioners
Improving on the quality of research
Reinforcing collaboration among SUMS researchers
Providing necessary equipment and facilities demanded for high performance
Supporting interdisciplinary research
Supervising, inspecting, and evaluating all research activities carried out at all 68 research centers of SUMS
Assisting in the administration, organization, and program planning of research centers
Ensuring greater coordination between research centers and SUMS administration units
Formulating and implementing infection prevention and control rules and occupational safety and health regulations
Organizing Educational workshops
Holding consultations about scientific and research projects with SUMS research centers
Research Centers at Mohammad Rasoolullah (PBUH) Research Tower
Nutrition & Nutritional Sciences Research Center
Research Center for Qur’an, Hadith & Medicine
Nanobiology Research Center
Clinical Neurology Research Center
Geriatric Research Center
Maternal-Fetal Medicine Research Center
Neonatal Research Center
Medical Imaging Research Center
Anesthesiology & Critical Care Research Center
Infertility Research Center
Stem Cell Technology Research Center
Cardiovascular Research Center
Allergy Research Center
Gastroenterohepatology Research Center
Endocrinology & Metabolism Research Center
Transplant Research Center
Hematology Research Center
Colorectal Research Center
Neurosciences Research Center
Nephro-Urology Research Center
Clinical Microbiology Research Center
Research Center for Biophilosophy & Healthy Lifestyle
Non-communicable Disease Research Center
Useful Links:
Research Equipment in the Central Laboratory of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
SUMS Journals at a Glance
SUMS Digital Library
SUMS Traditional Libraries