School of Paramedical Sciences Library

The library of SUMS School of Paramedical Sciences was established in 1987. Currently spanning an area of 230 square meters, the library is entrusted with providing essential resources in the area of paramedical sciences. It houses various collections covering academic and general subject areas such as laboratory sciences, radiology, computer sciences, Persian language and literature, English language, etc. The resources are regularly enriched with new editions and titles to meet the demands of SUMS community, promote research, and support the University’s expanding academic programs. Furthermore, users can access the library’s search engine via two special sections as well as a computer lab on premises.
Facts and Figures
5447 book titles in Persian (10525 volumes)
2129 book titles in English (3527 volumes)
276 thesis dissertations
246 in Persian
30 in English
424 reference book titles (1170 volumes)
311 in Persian
113 in English
Online databases
Open access journals
2 gender-specific reading rooms
1 common study area
60 seats
60 tables
1 computer lab
22 internet access computers
Opening Hours
Saturday – Wednesday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm
School of Paramedical Sciences Library
Meshkinfam St., Opposite Homa Hotel
Shiraz, Iran
Postal Code: 71439-18596
Useful Links:
Shahid Dr. Garakani-Nedzad Library
School of Pharmacy Library
School of Dentistry Library
School of Management and Medical Information Sciences Library
School of Nursing and Midwifery Library
Avicenna Library
Dr. Behrooz Kazemi Library
Dr. Gharib Library
Daneshjoo Library
Shahid Dastgheib Library
Shahid Faghih Library (AKA Chamran Hospital Library)
Ibn-e-Sina Library
Hafez Hospital Library
Dr. Setayesh Library (AKA Khalili Hospital Library)