The field of Medical Parasitology is a branch of medical sciences dealing with the organisms hold on human body as their host. As parasites are common pathogens causing disease, studying, diagnosing, and seeking ways to control them is very important.
This field provides an opportunity for the graduates to learn more about life cycle of parasites, the diseases they produce and the epidemiology, transmission routs, pathogenesis, signs and symptoms and, diagnosis of such diseases, and the prevention and other control measures. This will be achieved through a matrix of skills acquired from theoretical and practical courses with emphasis on laboratory activities. The history of parasitology goes back to about 1000 years ago when Avicenna described some protozoan disease with special symptoms. The main mission of the program is to train Medical Parasitologists who can work in such areas as diagnosing the agent of parasitic-infectious diseases, control strategies, research, and education.