Sunday, February 23, 2025 Current Time : 13:10 In Tehran
Code : 18322-147      Created Date : Saturday, January 1, 2022   Update Date : Saturday, January 1, 2022    Visit : 2186


Congratulatory Message on the Beginning of the New Year to the Foreign Students of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences the representative of the Supreme Leader in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Hojatoleslam Val-Moslemin Dr. Maghami.


The representative of the Supreme Leader in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Hojatoleslam Val-Moslemin Dr.Maghami, issued a message congratulating the foreign students at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences on the birth of Jesus Christ and the arrival of the New Year.


The text of this message is as follows:

"This is the birth of the great prophet Jesus Christ as the messenger of peace and friendship, promising message of brotherhood and equality of all human beings.

I congratulate the birth of Jesus son of Maryam, the herald of happiness and honor of humanity and congratulate the beginning of 2022 to the university community, especially to the international students of this university who are our guests in Iran and Shiraz. I wish them and all their compatriots a year full of health, peace and tranquility."




Hojatoleslam Val-Moslemin Dr.Maghami

The representative of the Supreme Leader in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

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