Sunday, February 23, 2025 Current Time : 14:9 In Tehran
Code : 18322-187      Created Date : Sunday, February 26, 2023   Update Date : Sunday, July 2, 2023    Visit : 1267


Working Group Meets to Debate Internationalization of Medical Education in Iran’s 5th Region


Working Group Meeting for the Internationalization of Medical Education in Iran's Fifth Region


Representatives from the medical universities of Iran’s fifth region met in Shiraz on Thursday, February 16, to share their views on the internationalization of medical education in regional universities. The meeting was hosted by SUMS Office of the Vice Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs (GSIA) at the University’s Velayat Cultural and Recreational Complex.



SUMS Vice Chancellor for GSIA, Dr. Seyed Hassan Seradj, delivered the opening speech, elaborating on the internationalization process in keeping with the educational policies of the country’s health ministry. Dr. Seradj highlighted the efforts made to hold online and on-campus empowerment workshops for the international relations staff from medical universities across the fifth region.


His speech was followed by a presentation from Ms. Maryam Danesh, SUMS Director for International Networking and Marketing. Ms. Daneshmandi enumerated the responsibilities of her Directorate, and reflected on the principles in designing a university website. She pointed to the website features that are of importance to targeted foreign audiences including international students.


Later in the meeting, the attendees had the opportunity to take the podium and cast their views on the challenges facing the internationalization of medical education in their respective institutions.


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