Sunday, February 23, 2025 Current Time : 13:57 In Tehran
Code : 18322-192      Created Date : Wednesday, May 17, 2023   Update Date : Wednesday, May 17, 2023    Visit : 1051


Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) Takes Second Place for Organ Donation


SUMS Achieves Second Rank for Organ Donation in Iran.


Appreciating the organ transplantation team of SUMS and organ donors’ family members, Dr. Sharifi, SUMS vice-chancellor for treatment affairs, announced that according to the Per Million Population (PMP) indicator, SUMS achieved second rank in Iran for organ donation.


The Iranian Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education declared that managing 151 brain-dead organ donors during last year, SUMS reached this rank, Dr. Sharifi said.


He explained that this measuring unit considers the number of donations per million population per year. He went on to add that 405 liver transplants, 364 kidney transplants, sixteen kidney-pancreas transplants, six pancreas transplants, two multi-organ transplants, nine intestine transplants, eleven heart transplants, and five lung transplants are among the most significant organ transplant surgeries conducted at SUMS during last year.


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