1st Shiraz International Dermatology Summit Conference, February 24-26,2016, Shiraz, Iran

The 1st Shiraz International Dermatology Summit Conference will be held between February 24-26,2016. This event will gather professors, specialists, and researchers of dermatology field from around the globe to share their experience in various areas of dermatology. Communication of ideas, as expected outcome of this event would contribute to a better future for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dermatologic diseases. Abstract submission for the 1st Shiraz International Dermatology Summit Conference located at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS), February 24-26,2016, is now open!
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) is pleased to welcome warmly the participants and presenters in Shiraz, the city of gardens with its hospitable people and its rich history.
The main topics of the conference include:
Skin imaging
Tele dermatology
Disorders of keratinization
Pigmentary disorders
Pediatric dermatology
Cosmetic and aesthetic dermatology
Dermatoimmunology and dermatopathology
Skin infectious diseases
Acne and Rosacea
Complementary medicine in dermatology
Abstract Submission Deadline: January 15,2016
Conference Date: February 24-26,2016
Venue: Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Website: http://sids2016.sums.ac.ir/en/