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Code : 18322-36      Created Date : Wednesday, February 7, 2018   Update Date : Saturday, January 11, 2020    Visit : 3692


ICO-Farabi had chosen Dr. Mohammadreza Khalili as Its 2017 Grant- Winner


 Dr. Mohammadreza Khalili


The 9th Shams Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Festival had conferred the "Young Scholar in Ophthalmology Award" on the faculty member of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS), Dr. Mohammadreza Khalili. Consequently, On March 12, 2017, ICO-Farabi awarded Dr. Mohammadreza Khalili, who is a Pediatric Ophthalmologist, Strabismus, and Neuro-Ophthalmologist, the second Fellowship Grant for his solid scientific background and precious research in the field of Ophthalmology. Thus, this prizewinner is going to fulfill a fellowship program at Moorfield Eye Hospital pursuant to his previous scientific endeavors and the present need of the Iranian society.

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