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Dr. Farhad Handjani Appointed a Board Director of World Association of Medical Editors


Dr. Farhad Hanjani


Dr. Farhad Handjani, the Professor of Dermatology and the Head of the Department of Dermatology at the School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) has the votes of the World Association of Medical Editors’ (WAME) members to become one of the board directors ratified from January 1, 2020.

SUMS Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs reported that by the WAME’s decisive vote, Dr. Farhad Handjani was elected as one of the board directors of the association. This association has more than 1830 members and is the representative of more than 1000 medical journals from 92 countries across the globe. Among different purposes of this association, interaction and collaboration between the editors of medical journals, promoting the standards for editors, and expanding research on editing scientific writing can be counted.

Dr. Handjani remarked, “while holding the position, I hope to pave the way for an efficient interaction between Iranian journals of medical sciences and high-ranked international medical journals”. In addition to this new position, Dr. Handjani is currently the president of Eastern Mediterranean Association of Medical Editors (EMAME), the president of the Iranian Society of Dermatology, and a member of National Medical Journals Council. He is also the chief editor of two medical journals of Middle East Journal of Cancer (MEJC) and the Iranian Journal of Dermatology.


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