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Code : 18322-95      Created Date : Wednesday, May 20, 2020   Update Date : Wednesday, May 20, 2020    Visit : 2241


Finalists of SUMS International Cartoon Contest to be Announced



Mohamamd Javad Zare Mohazabieh: The jury members will announce the finalists of SUMS International Cartoon Contest, “We Defeat Coronavirus” by the end of this week.  Five jury members, Eray Ozbec, Liuyi Wang, Spiro Radulovic, Nikola Vorontsov, and Marcio Leite had declared their final opinions and judgements and Iranian jury members including Bahram Azimi, Mohammad Hossein Niroumand, Massoud Shojai Tabatabai, and I will state our votes by May 22, 2020.  


As Zare Mohazabieh remarked, throwing the closing event depends on Iran’s health condition regarding coronavirus impacts. Upon the assessment of the Country’s health condition, the festival committee will decide whether to carry out an in-person or on-line closing event. The festival’s committee is currently preparing the festival book and planning the administration of the closing event, he continued to add.


SUMS announced a call for application for its international cartoon contest, “We Defeat Coronavirus”, in March 2, 2020. During a period of 40 days over 4200 artworks were received. The works were sent by artists from 88 countries across the globe among which the number of works sent by Iranian artists is considerable. The contest’s secretariat declared that Turkey, China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Russia, Serbia, and Ukraine are in the next rank after Iran taking the number of the received artworks into account.      


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