SUMS’ Transplant Center amongst the World’s Leaders

Dr. Salahi, Head of Abu Ali Sina Teaching Hospital- SUMS’ Transplant Center is one of the largest and most important organ transplant centers in the world. He states, the annual cumulative number of organ transplant surgeries all around Europe and the USA is ca. 500 while SUMS’ transplant team yearly performs more than 500 liver transplant surgeries in its Transplant Center. Dr. Salahi maintains that SUMS’ organ transplant team has successfully operated 4577 liver, 239 pancreas, and 36 intestine transplant surgeries up to the present. He remarks, successful kidney, pancreas, intestine, and liver transplant operations have made SUMS’ Transplant Department an internationally well-recognized organ transplant center. As he notes, the history of transplant surgeries performed by SUMS’ Transplant Hospital declares that 99% of the transplanted organs are obtained from deceased donors and less than 1% are from close living relatives. Moreover, considering transplant rejection statistics, he adds, approximately 10% of transplantations are rejected worldwide but the occurrence of such issue in SUMS’ Center is less than 10%. He concludes, 84 kidney transplantations have been carried out by SUMS’ transplant team from late March 2018 to late July 2018; further, the kidney organs obtained for these surgeries, as he mentions, were from deceased donors. To put it in a nutshell, successful achievements by SUMS’ transplant experts during the past half-century have boosted SUMS’ fame among international proficients in organ transplant field.