Friday, March 28, 2025 Current Time : 17:2 In Tehran
Created Date : Monday, October 2, 2023   Update Date : Monday, October 2, 2023    Visit : 615
Dr. Masoomeh Eghtedari

Hypoxia Training

Research Associate

Department of Health Sciences, Science Building

Ontario Tech University

Oshawa, Ontario, Canada


E-mail Address:

Phone: +1 (905)721-8668

Address: 2000 Simcoe Street N, Oshawa, Ontario, L1G 0C5






Dr. Masoomeh Eghtedari is a research associate at Ontario Tech University in Ontario, Canada.

She studied medicine and ophthalmology at Shiraz Medical School. She is a board certified ophthalmologist from Iran and Canada. Her field of interest is ocular pathology and she is a member of Canadian Ophthalmic Pathology Society.

She completed an ocular pathology fellowship in Iran and attended in a uveitis/ocular pathology fellowship in Montreal, Canada.

She funded a knowledge- based company in Shiraz focusing on limbal stem cell research. A patent related to limbal stem cell culture product has been registered in Iran. Meanwhile, she is one of the funders of ocular pathology fellowship training program at the Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in collaboration with Shahid Beheshti University.

She also attended in a Biotechnology program in Ontario, Canada and graduated with honor.

Currently, she is involved in conducting research projects focusing on the effect of hypoxia on cells. Furthermore, she is actively involved in the education of PhD and undergraduate students at the Faculty of Health Sciences of Ontario Tech University in Canada.

She is also in the process of publishing a color atlas of ocular pathology.

Research Priorities:
  • Ocular pathology,
  • Cell physiology focusing on hypoxia training

Previous academic collaborations with SUMS:

Dr. Eghtedari was a faculty member of Ophthalmology Department at SUMS for 16 years (up to 2020). Afterwards, she continued her collaboration with the department of ophthalmology and Poostchi Eye Research Center and was involved in educational and research activities of ophthalmology residents and fellows.

Number and the duration of previous visits to SUMS:

16 years